Imagine having an amount of money given by the local authorities with the aim of helping one facility of the area, it could be for museums or sport centers, both help people in such different ways, which one would be a better investment?
On the one hand museums are not popular among the people, just a small number of people attends to these places for pleasure so the local authorities should foster the interest of citizens for visiting all or at least some of the museums in the area as these stimulate the general knowledge and wpould make a radical change in all the lives because helping them to understand their past would increase their actual skills and at the same time would open the possibilities in the future. A way of makeing this a real possibility would be for example asking the authorities a reduction on the ticket value with the result of makeing aforrdable for everybody.
On the other hand, sports have a great impact in peples lives as it improve their health o also their lifestyle. If the local authorities could improve sports centers for example by makeing a public one withfree admision any citizen would be able to exercise and so have a better way of life.
Finally from my point of view, museums shold recive money from local authorities; Comparing both needs, education shold be a great concern for the local power rhather than peoples health because a person can do exercise anywhere but not everybody has the possibility of accessing education.